Group- Users can subscribe or be invited to groups (to permission groups within a group). Sharing of the contents is happening on a group level.
Permission group - Subsections of groups. They are used for controlling the access to contents shared with the group (for example playing routes or editing contents). This can be used to create permission groups for students, coworkers or parents. Every group must contain at least one permission group before you can invite users.
Learning unit - The basic learning element. It includes content on one or more task screens. Depending on the learning unit's type it can contain tests, tasks to solve or learning materials.
Unit type - The system contains several types of playful task engines. These are structured differently and can therefore be used for different purposes. Unit types are the following: Text task, Comprehension, Open question, Millionaire, Sets, Affix, True or false, Fish in the water, Hangman, Boom!, Bubble monster, Math monster, Video and PDF.
Superunit- Superunits are complex learning unit types. By enabling superunits you can add helping units (previously created learning units) to a given learning unit. You can insert as many helping units as you want, and you can also insert the main learning unit as a repeat. Superunit's helping units activate when the user cannot successfully complete the given learning unit.
My desktop - Desktops are lists of learning units that are not added to a module. New units can only be created in desktops. My desktop contains your own learning units that are not in modules.
Shared desktop - Shared desktops are desktops of groups. The users with edit content permission in the group can access the group's desktop and view, edit, copy learning units within the group. Shared desktops are lists of shared learning units that are not added to a module. New units can only be created in desktops.
Module- Module is a learning material consisting of several learning units. Modules can be added to learning routes which can be played by students. A module is divided into blocks and difficulty levels. Learning units are added to difficulty levels within the module.
Block - A module is built from blocks. Difficulty levels can be created within a block, to which you can add previously created learning units. It is mandatory to create at least one block within a module.
Difficulty level - Blocks are built from difficulty levels to which you can add previously created learning units. It is mandatory to create at least one difficulty level within a block.
Folders - Modules can be organized into folders and subfolders. Folders are not associated with any additional functions (e.g. sharing, copying), they are only used for organizing purposes.
Learning route - Learning routes - containing modules - are the playable learning materials that can be shared with students. You can set specific settings to learning routes like scheduling, homework assignment or story frame.
Homework - Learning routes are considered as homework if they have been set as homework assignment in route settings and the necessary parameters (date period, requirements, sharing) have been set.
Story frame - Learning units can be complemented with a playful story frame, which allow users to earn rewards for completing the learning units within the route.
Linear / Adaptive playback mode - Linear route playback mode means that the student has to complete all learning units on the same difficulty level before he can move to units on a higher level. Adaptive playback means that if the system detects that the student is performing well at a given difficulty level, the student will be automatically moved to a higher level.
Delete - Deleting completely erases the content from the system. If the content is added to another content (e.g. a learning unit is added to a module), it cannot be deleted, only archiving is possible.
Remove - When removing, the content is only removed from the place where Remove is performed (e.g. you can remove a learning unit from the module to which it has been added, in which case it is removed from the module, but remains available in your Desktop).
Archive - Archiving removes given content from the user's content lists, but it remains in the system for reference purposes (e.g. in reports).
Copy - Copying creates a copy of given content (and everything it contains) to the user's own account. The original contents' shares and embeds in other content will not be copied. For example, if you copy a particular learning unit of a module that is shared with you, the copy will be created on My Desktop list, where all your learning units are, which are not added to a module. Copies have the same name as original content but their ID behind their name is different.
Share - is sharing content with a specific group. Group members can view, edit, copy, etc. the content depending on the permissions of their permission group.
Link - When linking, the system generates a link to a route, which can be forwarded to non-registered users in any way you like - in this case, performance and results are not tracked, so this function is intended primarily for promotional purposes. Opening the link will open a playable page of the route where you can complete the route.