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Artificial intelligence in education? - peer-learning activities of the EDUBOT project in Slovakia


The second round of the PLA events in Slovakia in the framework of the EUDBOT project took place over two days in Komárom, at the TANDEM office on 15 and 22 May 2023. A total of 11 teachers and youth workers participated in the two events.

Peer-learning activity is a method where participants help and teach each other while learning. It is an interactive process that focuses on mutual knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences between the participants. In our case, PLA is understood in a broader sense, as the development of a specific topic, the sharing of experiences and knowledge between actors in the field of education.

The aim of the event was to present the current plans of the project to the participants, get feedback from the professional community, share experiences and brainstorm together on the possibilities of using AI in education.

During the two meetings, participants shared their experiences with digital learning platforms and online tools used in education, and then discussed features and technical solutions that could best support teachers in their work with digital learning materials.

The event was funded by the European Union in the framework of the project "EduBot - Developing Key Competences Through Blended-Learning Methodology Based on AI Supported Chatbot Technology".