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Instytut ADN

Instytut ADN

Instytut ADN is a company operating since 2007 as the MDDP Business Academy, currently: Instytut ADN sp. z o.o. Sp.k.,a Polish educational, training and advisory services provider in the field of education, consulting for public administration and private sector, highly specialised in training on formal and non-formal VET, adult education, ICT training (according to the ranking of "The best training companies in Poland"; Gazeta Finansowa).

Main areas of activity: implementation of UE funded projects for the systemic development of education and projects supporting development of VET and ICT education, supporting teachers in the field of professional development; providing vocational and ICT  training; preparation of training programs and validation; diagnosing the needs and competency gaps; implementation of training/stationary, online and hybrid courses; implementation of initiatives for disadvantaged groups of people; implementation of public interventions for central and regional administration; business development and educational consulting and evaluations services.
