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EduBot - English Demo Material Now Available

English demo

The learning route designed to showcase the materials developed in the EduBot project is now available in English. Our goal is to make the essence of the EduBot methodology accessible to those who do not speak the languages used in the project—Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Polish—and to contribute to its widespread adoption.

The educational content developed in the EduBot project covers five mathematical topics:

  • fractions,
  • sets,
  • divisibility,
  • ratios,
  • and the analysis of points and segments in a plane. Each topic is available through an online platform that offers interactive, adaptive learning pathways for students.

The English-language material is divided into two main sections: theoretical (linear) and learning (adaptive) pathways. The theoretical part includes basic concepts and simple tasks that follow each other sequentially. The adaptive learning path offers tasks at three different difficulty levels: easy, medium, and exam-level tasks, accompanied by helpful explanations and supplementary exercises.

The material contains a total of 173 learning elements, including 5 linear learning paths and 6 adaptive learning paths with 93 main tasks and 75 supporting tasks and explanations.

The primary goal of the project is to effectively develop students' mathematical skills in an innovative, technology-based learning environment.

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