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Frame game

The framework game motivates you to make the learning process more enjoyable. It is the teacher's (group leader's) choice - if it is on, there is no option not to use it. You can see if there is a frame game on the main screen:


Indicate the tutorial and click on the scroll in the introduction screen, the description of the frame game can be found here. If the text is long, use the mouse pointer to drag the text up. You will see that you are the hero of the frame game! Once you have read the description, click next and select your characters! Once you have chosen your characters, click on the next button and start learning!

frame game description


When you have completed a task and stayed level, you may encounter this screen. You can open it to see what you have collected so far and what you can use it for. You can click on the bag to go back to learning.

Here you can choose which path to follow: click on one of the flowers!



If you see this screen after solving the task and the hero moves up, the harder tasks come next. If he falls down, he hasn't mastered the material to the required extent yet, he will be given easier tasks.

the hero goes up


You can exit from the frame game in the same way as from "traditional" routes.

Exit while learning