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Linear learning routes vs. Adaptive learning routes

How can I decide whether to create or apply a linear learning route or an adaptive learning route?

When we decide what kind of content to develop on the EDUBOT interface, it is important to choose content that suits our purpose.
The table below contains a comparison of the linear learning route and the adaptive learning route. The table contains the main characteristics of linear and adaptive routes.


When to use? Presentation and familiarization of a new unknown part of the curriculum.
Creating a test.
Deepening the curriculum, practicing, uncovering and filling in any gaps.
It’s purpose Knowledge survey - in the form of a test, transfer of knowledge, introduction of unknown, new course material

Deepening and practicing knowledge, uncovering gaps and blockages,

How? Each student should go through the same set of tasks, units. Students follow different, individualized routes within the learning route.
What is the learning route made of? Units (tasks) Supernuits (basic task, supporting task, supporting learning material- pdf/video)
It’s character Less complex learning route. It is a complex learning route.
What is in the focus? The curriculum. The student, the individum.
    According to the results we can make clusters.


What are the clusters?

Clusters are groups of students that classify students with the same performance in the same clusters, so that the teacher can deal with the students in the way that best suits their needs in the future.

The cluster classification is based on the results of adaptive learning routes.
Based on this, we can classify students with similar difficulties into the same cluster and support them in the learning process according to their needs, even during a face-to-face tutoring event.