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Content development in Poland



The course 'Exam for eighth graders' is dedicated to students in the seventh and eighth grades of primary school. Eighth grade students must take the exam at the end of primary school. The course is widely available, free of charge and is an alternative to commercial materials. It allows students at school and at home to repeat the material, understand problematic issues and thus improve their results in learning mathematics and better prepare for the final exam. The form of the course transfers mathematics learning to the virtual world, which allows you to use the course anywhere, anytime. The course includes theory with examples and test tasks and has 10 sections covering the following topics and hours:

Course prepared by teachers team:

  • Angelika Kamecka
  • Michał Bobrowski
  • Mateusz Redlin


The course consists of:

  • 275 tasks: including 155 tasks in the adaptive part and 120 in the linear part. Each task from the adaptation part has a video with a full solution, a full task description and a guiding hint. (i.e. we have 155 tasks, 155 videos + pdfs with solutions + 155 pdfs with hints)
  • 68 videos with explanations of the theory based on the created outline.
  • the course includes a verification test consisting of 20 tasks (not included in these 275 tasks)
  • information for the teacher in pdf form
  • information for the student in the form of a tutorial on how to use the platform in the form of a path implemented on the platform.

To sum up, the course has 3 · 155 + 68 + 120 = 653 independent units. (Counting videos with solutions and pdfs with a description as 1 element, not 2).
The course covers the following topics:

  • Properties of numbers (lesson 3h)
  • Powers with rational bases (lesson 2h)
  • Roots (lesson 2h)
  • Percents (lesson 2h)
  • Algebraic expressions and equations (lesson 3h)
  • Word problems including percentages and proportional division (3h)
  • Planimetry (lesson 4h)
  • Stereometry (lesson 3h
  • Introduction to combinatorics and probability theory (2h)
  • Applications of mathematics including reading graphs and elements of descriptive statistics (6h).


Each section of the course is divided into two parts:

  • Part one contains theoretical explanations along with simple tasks typical for the topic. This part is arranged in a linear manner, which means that each student must go through each element of the learning path in turn
  • Part two consists of at least 14 tasks of varying difficulty levels requiring understanding of issues and examples from the theoretical part. Some of the tasks in this part are analogous to the tasks from part one, which additionally supports students, especially those who require solving more tasks, need more examples to understand and assimilate the discussed topic, to solve the tasks independently. Some of the tasks in part two are tasks from exams from previous years, which is an additional value for students. In part two, the tasks are arranged in adaptive paths. The student receives the first task on the adaptive path and tries to solve it. If the student solves the task correctly, they are automatically moved to a higher level where they receive more difficult tasks to solve. If a student solves the first task from the path incorrectly, they automatically move to a lower level, where they receive additional hints in the form of a pdf, video, help questions and solve the next task at a lower level. After another failure, they can use the next help offered by the system and online consultations provided by teachers. However, if, thanks to additional explanations, they manage to solve the task correctly at this level, they can move to a higher level.

Adaptive task operation algorithm:

Content development in Poland





The table below presents the content taught in grades VII and VIII, along with the assignment of the issues discussed in them to the appropriate course chapters.

Powers with rational bases

Section 2


Section 3

Creating algebraic expressions with one and many variables

Section 5

Transforming algebraic expressions. Algebraic sums and operations on tchem

Section 5

Percentage calculations

Section 4

Equations with one unknown

Section 5

Simple proportionality

Section 5

Section 6

Properties of geometric figures on a plane

Section 7


Section 7

Number line. Coordinate system on a plane

Section 7

Spatial geometry

Section 8

Introduction to combinatorics and probability theory

Section 9

Reading data and elements of descriptive statistics

Section 10


Theoretical paths:
Theoretical paths have the same names as the mathematical sections of the course, for example, introduction to radicals, introduction to percentages. It is recommended to start learning a given section with linear paths.

Adaptive paths
The adaptive paths are named according to the scheme radicals exercises, percentages exercises.

Before starting to work through the course sections, it is recommended to familiarize students with the tutorial, which contains a presentation of the types of tasks appearing in the course.

To start the tutorial, click the "Browse groups" button and then click to launch the web application.

Content development in Poland


Then you should find and select the path titled tutorial. Please note to set the Polish flag.

Content development in Poland

The remaining educational paths with selected course content are launched in a similar manner.

The recommended order of completing the sections is:

  • Properties of numbers
  • Powers with rational bases
  • Roots
  • Percentages
  • Algebraic expressions and equations
  • Word problems, including percentages and proportional division
  • Planimetry
  • Stereometry
  • Introduction to combinatorics and probability theory
  • Applications of mathematics, including reading graphs and elements of descriptive statistics


Types of tasks in the second adaptive part:

  • Test tasks
  • True/false tasks
  • Open tasks with filling in the gap
  • Tasks requiring self-testing
  • Match-identical tasks
  • Tasks requiring assigning elements to the appropriate areas


A significant part of the tasks are open tasks with filling in the gap. In the case where the complement is a fraction or an irrational number, the answer must be encoded according to the scheme provided each time in the information for the task. In most cases, fractional answers should be written in the form of improper fractions, where the encoding is in the form of improper fractions, where 3 4 is encoded as "3/4", and 11 5 as "11/5". Answers with roots should be encoded as follows: 3 √ 5 as "3p5", and 7√ 2 as "7p2". Remember to maximally extract the factor before the root where possible. In case of difficulties, it is recommended to explain the coding rules to students.